Atomic Digital Design Agency Creates The Very First AR Experience On Messenger

Citroen SUV C5 aircross Atomic Digital Design  - Atomic Digital Design Agency Creates The Very First AR Experience On Messenger

Atomic Digital Design, the digital agency founded by two ex-IIM students, Antoine Vu (promo 2010) and Gabriel Picard (promo 2011), has entered a partnership with Citroën and Facebook to develop the first AR service on Messenger.

Atomic Digital Design, an agency which produces AR and motion design contents, launches an exclusive immersive experience for the new SUV Citroën C5 Aircross with Facebook France for Messenger. Users will be able to customise the SUV on Citroën’s Facebook page.

Atomic Digital Design, Citroën and Facebook: together for a unique AR experience

myReality Design, Atomic Digital Design’s AR branch, worked with Facebook France to develop an immersive experience adapted to the new social media uses. “The challenge was to produce a truly innovative experience on a platform that everybody uses, by offering an interaction with the brand” Antoine Vu explains.

“Our partnership with Facebook on this project allowed us to push the limits of their AR technology, to make the users part of the launch of the new SUV Citroën C5 Aircross.”

The service is the perfect balance between Atomic Digital Design’s ambitions and the technical limits of the platform. The final product delivered to Citroën includes an external and internal 3D representation of the vehicle. Users can visualise more than 540 different configurations for the SUV!

Atomic Digital Design innovates AR functions

Agence atomic digital design citroen suc A5 aircross - Atomic Digital Design Agency Creates The Very First AR Experience On Messenger

Atomic Digital Design, Facebook and Citroën take AR technology to the next level.

The team was composed of an artistic director and a 3D graphic designer, both specialised in video games. They modelled the car and made sure the rendering matched the real model. A UX/UI design took care of developing the interfaces.

We worked with Facebook’s tech teams. An ambitious project, since it’s the very first of this type.” myReality Design’s main goal was to be creative and innovative in order for the rendering to have the best quality possible.

Proud of this accomplishment, myReality is still creating AR filters for other platforms such as Snapchat or Instagram. The agency has also just launched another branch called myMotion, entirely dedicated to motion design.

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Informations mises à jour le 11 May 2021