
Video games

Become the future creator of video games

Combining creativity and technological innovation, the video game sector is booming, with growth and sales exceeding those of the film industry. With the emergence of new platforms (smartphones, social networks, virtual and augmented reality) and the development of digital (PSN, Xbox Live, interactive TV, Steam, cloud gaming, e-sport), video games are constantly reinventing themselves to attract an ever-increasing share of gamers.

The industry is made up of studios and game publishers of all types: from independent studios to AAA video game producers. It is opening up more and more to new fields such as serious games, advergame and amusement parks.

The profiles sought are versatile, able to adapt to all types of production and platforms and to work in an international environment.


  • Bachelor in Video Games
  • Mastère Game Art
  • Mastère Game Programming
  • Mastère Game Design
  • Mastère Video Game Production and Marketing


Thomas Nicolet
Head of Digital communication and e-business department

IIM Videogames on itch.io

Curious to see what our students develop? It’s over there! All the games developed along the 5 years by the students.

IIM on itch.io

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Informations mises à jour le 04 Mar 2020

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